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Capital City Cribbage League
Information & Rules


Capital City Cribbage League was founded in the 1970's.  Play has always been sponsored by various Lansing establishments.    The season runs October through March each year. The cost is $3 per evening with awards presented at the end of the season banquet.  We enjoy supporting our local businesses and many members will arrive before play, which begins at 6:30 pm, to have dinner with friends.


The CCCL Board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who meet periodically to discuss membership, the upcoming season, banquet plans and other league matters.   


We play 4-person style cribbage, 5 cards dealt with one card from each player going to the crib.  Scroll down for more information. 




Playing Partner Crib

The rules for playing cribbage with partners is generally the same as two player with a few exceptions.  Partners are seated opposite each other around the table.   Five cards are dealt to each player instead of six.  Each player discards only one card to the dealer's crib pile.  The player to the left of the dealer cuts the deck for the start card. 


After a hand is played, the deal and procession of the crib goes to the next player to the left.  Each player counts their points individually and combines their points with those of their partners by pegging on the same track on the cribbage board. The game proceeds in this manner until one of the partner teams pegs 121 points.

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Play and Rotation

Typically there are 5 teams per establishment.  The visiting team seats themselves at the beginning of the night according to their assigned partner number, (i.e. Table 1, 2, 3, etc). At the end of 2 games, the visiting team moves to the next table up.

Pegger and Scorer

Each set of partners pre-determines who will score and who will peg for the night.  This determines where partners sit at the table so that the peggers are next to or are across from each other.

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